Tweeting Too Hard

My views on the whole Twitter thing are out there in black and white (or purple and mauve and green and blue and goldenrod and black and white, if you prefer) so I won’t go through all of that again. And normally that would be the end of it. Usually the way it works is that if you think something is stupid – Facebook, whore brands, chewing tobacco, whatever – you can just ignore it and it won’t have any sort of effect on your otherwise tidy life.


The growing problem with Twitter, however, is twofold. Thing the first: The media. In typical fashion (ie: three years after it was actually a Big Deal) the churning mill of mainstream broadcasting and press has finally learned about it. Now you cant even get the weather report or maybe listen to some tired classic rock without some drone prattling on about some celebrity tweeting this and twittering that. Ugh. Thing the second (and very much the worst): There are now self-important wankers running around introducing themselves as “at so-and-so” and referring to their friends as “at whatshisface”. Honestly. I heard this twice today and both times had to bite back a big ol’ mouthful of puke. I mean, really.

Is there any recourse? Is there any way to give this whole thing a poke in the eye and feel somewhat good about it?

You’re goddamn right there is. It’s fucking brilliant.

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